Showreel Video Packages

Every artist needs their own style of showreel and therefore these prices are only a guide to our fees. Please contact us to discuss what we can do for you to show your individuality.

How it works

We shoot a mixture of conventional makeover/fashion shots in a mixture of styles that can be used as your portfolio. Pam Lamb has over 20 years experience and  provides a full hair and makeup service and changes tailors your makeup during the shoot to complement the image style.

Just..... Showreel   £350

A short showreel consisting of still and video images produced at the studio.    


Just..... About Me  £450

A showreel consisting of still and video images produced at the studio  with a short voice interview &/or routine. 


Just..... Complete  £550

A showreel consisting of still and video images produced at the studio with a short voice interview &/or routine and a set of 12 - 10"x8" photographs for your agent.



Just..... Complete Plus £600

As above but with 20 - 10"x8" photographs in a stylish album.

All packages include photography, hair and makeup and providing the showreel on disc in youtube, mp4 and smartphone formats.