Copyright to all images created and created for a client remains the sole and executive property of the photographer unless specific other terms have been agreed upon in writing.
There is no assignment of copyright, agreement to do work for hire, or intention of joint venture expressed or implied in this delivery. The client has license to use the images providing the account is paid in accordance with our payment terms.
The day rate covers the hours of 9am to 5.30pm with a 30 min break.
Additional hours are charged at the relative hourly rate.
Weekend/Unsociable hours may incur an additional charge.
Cancellation charges may be charged at the rate of:
Same Day Full Rate
1 day notice Full Rate
2 days 50% rate
3+ days No Charge
Re-shoots due to insufficient brief or non attendance by the client will be charged at our normal hourly rate.
Visual Impact cannot be held responsible for any goods not removed after 1 month unless by prior agreement. Any cost of disposal will then be passed to the client.
All estimates are based on information supplied, any additional time or materials will be charged accordingly.
All digital files are supplied as colour balanced on our systems and sized to the client brief.
Due to the nature of digital photography we cannot be held responsible for accuracy of colour or resolution.
All images must be checked by the client before proceeding to print.
Digital files will be saved on our systems for one month after completion. Backup files may be held for an additional charge.
Any complaints must be notified to Visual Impact within 5 days of receipt.
Goods left or stored at the studio should be covered by the clients insurance. No responsability can be accepted for any loss or damage of clients goods.
We reserve the right to use images and tours on our own marketing material and website unless otherwise specified.
All prices are subject to VAT at the current rate.
Google 360 tours are uploaded to the Google Business View servers and produced in accordance with Google instructions. We cannot be held responsible for tours that are removed, do not appear or from time to time change or disappear to due changes in Googles systems.
Bespoke tours and 360 image rotations are produced as HTML5 and designed to be hosted online and suitable for playing on most modern web browsers. We cannot be held responsible for tour not displaying on specific or outdated web browsers.
Terms strictly 30 days.
We reserve the right to charge a recovery cost of at least £40 plus interest on late accounts at the rate of 8% above the prevailing Bank of England reference rate in accordance with the late payments of Commercial Debts Act 1998 and the Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002 as amended.